A glimpse into the new season. The adventures are just beginning!

Little Tiaras Right when the little princesses get to the school, everything goes haywire. The school mistress immediately orders for everyone to be sent home. It turns out that a magical device has broken! The girls will fix it themselves. Someone is spying on the little princesses during a trip to Divnogorie, and they are kidnapped by Baba Yaga right from a school assembly.


2018 year
the starting year of the project
with unique personalities
6-minute episodes have already been released
130thousand subscribers
on social media
22million views
over six months on YouTube


Helen controls elements.


The Never-A-Laugh Princess decisive, driven, efficient


Dorma can induce a hypnotic dream state.


The Ginger Princess. bright, sunny, naughty


The Frog Princess. Hot-headed, kind-hearted and sensitive

Кощей Кощеевич

Директор волшебной школы на острове Дивногорье


Заместитель директора школы волшебства

Кот Баюн

Преподаватель волшебства в школе Дивногорья


Школьный повар

She can accidentally freeze things. Helen doesn’t know how to use this power, and it frustrates her. She will learn how to disperse the clouds, build ice bridges and roads in the air, trigger rain or snowfall to extinguish fires.

Daria rarely smiles, because she doesn’t find her friends’ jokes very funny. Confident in her awareness that she’s smarter and more powerful than others. Daria will discover that she can borrow magic powers from the other Princesses, her teachers, and, perhaps, even from The Immortal.

Sometimes, she can see the future in her dreams. She may influence real-life events in her lucid dreams, thus changing the present situation. It is better not to wake her up when she’s asleep, because she may be solving some vital problems in her dreams.

Rooney’s hair has some magical properties, which are yet to be discovered. So far, she could set anything on fire. Also, she can create countless copies of herself, and often uses these clones to play practical jokes on the other Princesses. However, her copies tend to quarrel with each other, bringing Rooney a lot of trouble.

Lisa can turn from a cutie into a frog, which makes her suffer because, according to Lisa, the striking beauty of a Princess is the only thing that makes her proud. Since her transformations tend to happen at the most inopportune moments, Lisa is still learning to master them. 

Кощей Кощеевич совсем не похож на Кощея из сказок — он гораздо моложе и совсем не злой. Обаятелен и слегка рассеян, очень любит шахматы — за игрой может забыть обо всем на свете. По-настоящему опасные вещи всегда делает сам — потому что и вправду бессмертный.
Милая, интеллигентная, добрая — но может и строгость проявить, если нужно. Заботливая, очень переживает за девочек.
Опытный маг, друг и помощник Кощея. Умный, предусмотрительный, очень пунктуальный, старается все делать по правилам и всегда читает инструкции. Любит философствовать. Играет с мячиком, когда никто не видит.
Добродушная суетливая работница школы. Ее заветная мечта — научиться колдовать, но пока что с волшебством у нее не ладится. Сова любит компьютерные игры.


first season

Right when the little princesses get to the school, everything goes haywire. The school mistress immediately orders for everyone to be sent home. It turns out that a magical device has broken! The girls will fix it themselves. Someone is spying on the little princesses during a trip to Divnogorie, and they are kidnapped by Baba Yaga right from a school assembly.

The adventures are just beginning!

Animation series "The Princess" was aired in September 2018 on the television channels STS and STS Kids